Frequently Asked Questions
Groups and Users

An access group can be used to restrict the access for a specific category to only a group of users. You can create one or multiple access groups, assign users to those groups and finally attach the groups to the relevant top-level categories.

Go to “Settings” –> “Access Control” –> “Groups”. Type the name of the new group and click “Add”. The number of assigned users will be zero for the new added group until you will attach users to the new group.

Go to “Settings” –> “Access Control” –> “Users”.

First select the relevant access group from the drop-down selection option. It will update the list of users attached to the selected group. You can add or remove users from that group.

In case the selected access type option is “Groups” for a specific top-level category then click on the “Update Groups” to restrict the access to specific groups of users.

It will pop-up the “Configured Groups” table. You can add a configured group from the drop-down list or delete any group. Finally, click “Save Changes”.

Please note:

> The same group can be used in multiple categories.

> Groups are created using the “Groups” tab and users are allocated to groups using the “Users tab.

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